Operating Systems
- Windows 8/Server 2012 or newer (Windows 8, 8.1, 10; Server 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019)
- Linux
- Other Unix like environments that are able to use Mono, while not extensively tested should work
- Windows - Microsoft .net Framework 4.7 (Download)
- Linux - Mono 5.18.0+ (Recommend always using the latest Download)
- IIS - This is Microsoft's offering and is available with Windows . The panel is developed with IIS and is thus recommended. You can find installation directions here.
- EzUGCC - A packaged version of UGCC integrated with a custom web server with an installer. The installer completely setups UGCC on your system. For Windows only.
- EzUGCC for Linux - A bootable ISO that installs an image of Oracle Enterprise Linux and the panel. UGCC is completely setup on your system. Can be used on both physical and virtual servers for testing or production use.
- Apache (Apache Software Foundation, GPL) - Your best bet for linux. UGCC is not supported w/apache on Windows.
- Any Linux web server with Fast CGI support (Nginx for example)
- XSP2 or XSP4 (packaged with mono) - Linux only, very easy to setup and use, recommended for testing only.
- MySQL/MariaDB is required if you plan on using remote mode (master/slave mode...one web panel managing multiple physical computers).
- SQLite is supported on both Windows and Linux, but doesn't support remote mode on either OS; except for local use on Linux to ease permission management