- On all new installs you'll need to copy the web.config file from the Configs folder of the archive to the root of the web control panel. This is done so you don't overwrite the file when upgrading.
- Edit the web.config file. This file is located in the folder where the Web Control Panel files were placed. To change a setting, simply edit the value in between quotes after 'value='. All settings are commented and are at the top of the file in between the <appsettings> tags. Do not remove any setting out of the web.config; even if it doesn't apply to your setup.
- Ensure all the directories you specified in the web.config file actually exist and the process user has read/write permission to them (see below for more info)
- If using a sqlite backend, copy the ugcc.db3 file from the DB folder in the archive to the lcoation specified in sqlitelocation in the web.config file.
- If using a MySQL backend, import the ugcc.sql file found in the DB folder of the archive into a new database.
- Open the Check.aspx file in a web browser, this will check to make sure everything is configured correctly and will display the process user.
- The process user (obtained above) will need read/write access to the log location and sqlitelocation, if using SQLite. Also you'll need to grant read/write permissions to all of the game server's files being managed by UGCC. Click here for help with assigning permissions.
- Copy the 7z.dll and 7z.exe from the tools folder of the archive to the log directory for Windows. Linux users should install 7zip (p7zip) These are needed for the panel to decompress and show information for archives.
- If everything has been configured correctly to this point, you should be able to login. Try to login with the user name 'admin' and the password 'admin'.
- Obtain a license for full functionality. See the license page for more info.
If using a sqlite database, DO NOT place the db3 file in your web site, as someone may be able to download it and reveal crucial information making your panel and any servers configured a potential target of malicious activities