The Monitor

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The Monitor

Post by Masher »

The monitor is a very important part of UGCC. The monitor allows the panel to interface with the computer (master/slave/remote mode) and monitors running game servers to ensure they are still running and will restart them if necessary. The monitor also does alot of other things, and without the monitor-some of UGCC's advanced features simply will not work. The monitor will not start unless a license has been purchased and installed for it.

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Installation Scenarios                                                             Monitor Reqd      Enable remote mode
I'm running game servers on the same computer hosting the panel:                      Y                      N (On linux and have license: Y)
I'm not running game servers on the same computer hosting the panel:                  N                      N
I'm running game servers on a computer not hosting the web panel:                     Y                      Y
Installation (Win)
*Don't use a third party text editor to edit the ugccmon.cfg file, use wordpad or notepad!*
  • If you are installing the monitor on the same computer hosting the panel; ensure that it runs as the same user as the panel. Otherwise you will run into problems. (Check.aspx will tell you what user the panel is running as)
  • There are two monitor installs included in the archive for Windows. One for 32 bit and another for 64 bit operating systems. Both these installers will setup the monitor to run as the SYSTEM user. If you need to change this later you can do so via the Services mmc snap-found in Control Panel-->Admin Tools.
  • Copy ugccmon.cfg from the config folder of the archive to SystemRoot\System32
  • Edit the cfg file to point to the same database as the panel. Only use wordpad/notepad to edit the config--some third party editors seem to have issues with files in System32 on x64 operating systems.
  • The process user of the monitor will need read/write access to the log and license directories, as well as read access to the ugccmon.cfg file.
  • If this monitor is for a remote system, copy the 7z.dll and 7z.exe from the tools folder of the archive to the log directory. These are needed to support archive decompression and to show information for archives.
  • Ensure the monitor is configured to restart if it crashes. Start-->Control Panel-->Administrative Tools-->Services. Find and double click 'UGCC Monitor Service' in the list. On the recovery tab configure your options.
Installation (*Nix)
  • Ensure mono is installed (The Linux install guides can be used for assistance with building/installing mono)
  • If you are installing the monitor on the same computer hosting the panel; ensure that it runs as the same user as the panel. Otherwise you will run into problems. (Check.aspx will tell you)
  • Copy the contents of the monitor-Linux install folder to anywhere you'd like
  • Copy the ugccmon.cfg file from the Configs/Linux folder to the same location you copied the above files to.
  • Edit the config file (ugccmon.cfg) to point to your database (same database that the panel uses)
  • Also ensure that you set your license and log settings, and that the folders actually exist.
  • The and scripts will need to be set as executable (chmod +x). These scripts will allow you to start/stop the monitor.
  • Ensure p7zip is installed. Either from source or via your distribution's packages.
  • User running the monitor will need RWX access to log, license and any configured gameservers directories
  • We recommend setting up the monitor to run in remote mode on the server hosting the panel (if you have a license) and setting up all servers to be started/stop by the monitor. This will save you a lot of trouble managing permissions.
  • Using ACLs will help as well if necessary.
If there isn't a valid license available, the monitor will not start and will create a <computername>.licrm file in the configured license folder. The .licrm file can be used for generating a license for the monitor.
Please do not PM me unless asked to! We are a small company. If you have an issue or question it would be best to post it in the forums where it can help others in the future.

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