SSL Certificates for EzUGCC Web Server and/or FTP server

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SSL Certificates for EzUGCC Web Server and/or FTP server

Post by Masher »

SSL Certificates for EzUGCC Web Server and/or FTP server

This information applies to both the TLS support within the monitor’s integrated FTP server, as well as EzUGCC’s integrated webserver. Therefore, the same certificate can be used for both. Be sure to read through the entire guide.

Certificate type
An x509 certificate is expected. These may be also called PFX or PKCS #12 files. They typically have a file extension of .pfx or .p12. It may be binary (DER) or Base64 encoded.

We’ll use openSSL to generate our private key, CSR, and finally the X509 certificate. For simplicity we’ll use openSSL to accomplish this.

OpenSSL is typically included in most Linux distributions. Windows users can download a copy from:

If you are using Windows, and have a Linux system available, you can still generate a cert for use with EzUGCC/Monitor on the Linux box and copy the resulting pfx/p12 file to the windows box.

1. Generate A CSR (This step is OS Dependent)
  • First, create your private key: openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
  • Next create a certificate signing request (CSR): openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
  • Answer the questions. When you get to the Common Name field, be sure to enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server this certificate will be used with (i.e.
I used the Firedaemon build to generate this documentation ( ... 4000121705 )
  • First, create your private key: openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
  • Next create a certificate signing request (CSR): openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr -config ..\..\ssl\openssl.cnf
  • Answer the questions. When you get to the Common Name field, be sure to enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server this certificate will be used with (i.e.
2. Purchase a certificate
I’ve had good experiences with and they are very affordable. Steps 2-4 will vary depending on what type of certificate you purchase and whom you purchase from.

3. Provide your CSR generated in step 1 (server.csr) when requesting your new certificate.

4. Domain Verification
The certificate vendor will have to verify you own the domain, business, etc. (these steps are determined by the type of certificate you order)

5. Create x509 Certificate
Once verification is complete, a certificate is provided to you. We’ll now need to create an X509 certificate using this certificate and the private key we generated earlier.
  • This command will create a pfx certificate without a password. You can skip the -certfile option if no bundle was provided:
  • openssl pkcs12 -export -nodes -out server.pfx -inkey server.key -in file_from_ssl_vendor.crt -certfile optional_bundle_file -passout pass:
6. Update config files
You should give your resulting pfx/p12 file a unique name (don’t use ftp.pfx or cert.p12 ) as they may be overwritten when performing updates!

Monitor's Integrated FTP Server
Config file on Windows: c:\windows\system32\ugccmon.cfg
Config file on Linux: same folder as where the ugccmonsvc.exe is located (?/ugcc/mon)
  • Set the [FtpSSLCert] config line to server.pfx (or whatever name you choose). If the you don't have a [FtpSSLCert] line, simply add it.
  • Place the server.pfx file in the directory of your [LogConfig] setting
  • Restart the monitor service
    • Windows: net stop ugccmon and then net start ugccmon
    • Linux: systemctl stop ugccmon and then systemctl start ugccmon
  • Review the log (ugccmon.log) for errors, the monitor will only complain if it can’t find the file
EzUGCC's Webserver (for Windows only)
Config file: EzUGCC-WWW.exe.config
Located in C:\Program Files\EzUGCC (unless you specified a different path when installing)
  • Find the line: <setting name="Certificate" serializeAs="String">
  • Find the value line directly below and update the filename to server.pfx (or whichever name you gave the pfx file) (if the line is missing add it)
  • Place your server.pfx certificate in the same folder as the config file
  • Restart the ezugcc-www service
    • net stop ugcc-www
    • net start ugcc-www
  • Review the EzUGCC.log. The EzUGCC server will complain if it’s unable to find the certificate.
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