Custom Menus

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Custom Menus

Post by Masher »

UGCC version 1.71 and newer
You can edit the menu.txt file (via the Settings-->Panel Customizations option). The menu file contains further documentation.

UGCC version 1.47 through 1.702 support adding custom menu items. In the web panel root folder you should see a file named '!'. Rename this file file to ''. Open the file in a text editor. An example of the file is below. The first item is the name of the menu item, and all the other items are submenus of the first.

Changes to the custom menu will require you to restart the web service for changes to show as the file is read on startup and cached.

Syntax is

Code: Select all

Link Text,

Code: Select all

//This is the custom menu file, here you can create menu entries that will
//show in the panel's menu.  The first line is the text and url of the main
//menu item shown in the panel.  The following lines will be sub menu items
//of the first.  The syntax for each line is "label","url" ie:
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Last edited by Masher on Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Updated info
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