UGCC Update 1.47 Released

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UGCC Update 1.47 Released

Post by Masher »

What's new:

-The panel now checks for and notifies you if an update is available. It checks every 24 hours.
-Now have the capability of adding your own links to the panel's menu
-Fixed licensing issue with monitor
-Monitor will no longer try to start servers whose remote ID doesn't match the monitor's remote ID
-Fixed an error with date conversions when dates where stored in an unexpected format
-Added support for America's Army 2 and America's Army 3 (version 3.2) games
-Fixed default query port not applying for some source based games
-Fixed a flaw in the Team speak 3 query implementation
-Fixed some issues with the integrated FTP server and added some new features to it as well
-Updated German translation (thanks DasBill!)

As usual get the latest version in the downloads area.
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