UGCC v1.15 Released

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UGCC v1.15 Released

Post by Masher »

What's new:

-Added remember password functionality
-Users can have their password emailed to them if they have forggotten their password.
-When deleting a support ticket the ticket text will be saved in <logs>\TicketLog for archival purposes
-If an error occurs when trying to start a server from the main menu it'll display on the main menu now
-When a user is redirected to the news page, the user will be told so and given a link to take them to the main menu.
-Added a new report that shows cpu usage, memory usage, total cpu time, and time started.
-UGCC can now monitor cpu usage and stop servers if they go over their alloted cpu utilization (Windows only)
-Added RCON support for source servers. Uses the ip and port specified for the query ip and port.
-CPU overage email is customizable
-CPU check interval is now customizable
-Specify what action to take per server if cpu is over limit; shutdown or restart
-If going to server config page from server management page/main menu, a link will display in top menu to take you back to the server's management page.
-Added a dropdown to the new ticket page so users can specify which server they are referring to.
-Added support for getting PIDs from pid files. This will facilitate the use of wrapper scripts like su in linux. Please see the documentation for more info on this feature.

-Fixed a few sorting issues with non-English setups
-Few other misc fixes.

Upgrade directions can be found at the documentation area, you can get the latest version at the downloads area.
Please do not PM me unless asked to! We are a small company. If you have an issue or question it would be best to post it in the forums where it can help others in the future.

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