UGCC 2.44 Released

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UGCC 2.44 Released

Post by Masher »

Some bug fixes around the new Steam Workshop Mod Installer feature, sigint shutdown support, and more
  • Added option to send interrupt signal to servers for game servers that don't have RCON, but can be shutdown with Ctrl+C/sigint
  • Fixed a few issues for users using SQLite and the new mod installer tool
  • Fixed a bug when deleting a mod within the mod installer tool and the server was running
  • Fixed a bug where multiple server starts could be queued after mods are submitted for installation/upgrade
  • Small tweaks to the mass server management tool
  • Added query support for Eco
  • New variable: PID
  • New API commands: pid, deletes, deletesf, dbval
  • Also a new WHMCS module (Version 1.4) is available to take advantage of new features
Please ensure you perform a Game type update!

More details about the mod installer are available at viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2146

More details about the new sigint feature is available here: viewtopic.php?f=21&p=8455#p8455. Linux users don't need to do anything. Windows and EzUGCC users should read over it as it may require setup and tweaking if you plan to use the sigint feature.

A database update is required for this update and all monitors will need to be updated.

Valheim servers will need the new sigint stuff to shutdown gracefully. A new installer template was uploaded to take advantage of it.

You may grab this update from the downloads area.
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