- New Smart PID Finder feature that eliminates the need for PID files
- Integrated FTP server can now throttle uploads and downloads
- Fixed an issue where starting a server through the broker would cause it to not register with the panel even though it started
- Updated source based queries to work with various games requiring challenges for a2s_info queries (i.e. L4D2 and Ark)
- Added support for running commands when deleting servers
- Added a job queue clear button to reset jobs stuck in the queue
- Fixed hidden servers being shown to users
- Improved error handling when executing extras
- Some tweaks to help users whom are color blind
- Added Executable variable
- Quake World query protocol support
- Tweaks to PVPGN query's max players
- Updated TinyMCE editor
- Updated SQLite module
You may obtain this update from the downloads area.