SourceRSC 1.90 Released

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SourceRSC 1.90 Released

Post by Masher »

What's new:

--Long file/path name support for Windows (32,000+ character paths are now supported)
--Compression application now starts with idle priority to minimize impact if running on a machine hosting game servers
--Now using 7zip to create the bz2'd files on windows (bzip2 for win32 doesn't support long file/paths)
--7zip seems to compress faster and is multithreaded
--Linux will still use bzip2
--Option added to delete [CompressPath] directory when done running

You can get the latest version in the downloads area. If you have any problems let us know.
Please do not PM me unless asked to! We are a small company. If you have an issue or question it would be best to post it in the forums where it can help others in the future.

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